Have you ever tried creating a new habit, but you just have a hard time remembering to do it? You're drifting off for sleep for the night and suddenly you remember that you forgot to do your new habit that day...again! You really want this new habit, but it's just so hard to remember. If this has ever happened to you, you are not alone. I think most of us have had that experience, probably multiple times!
I want to share with you a great little technique called "Habit Stacking". This awesome tip helps boost your ability to remember and do the habit you are trying to incorporate.
Let's say you want to develop a habit of flossing your teeth. You have the floss, but you keep forgetting to use it. By mentally tying flossing to something that you already do, like brushing your teeth, you are much more likely to create a new habit of flossing your teeth. Consciously decide to floss your teeth right after you brush, and voila! You have just attached a new habit-to-be to an existing habit, making you much more likely to succeed! Then look for a physical reminder, such as setting the floss on top of your toothpaste, literally stacking it.
Say you are trying to get into the routine of taking supplements every morning. In your mind, consciously attach it to something that is already a habit, like eating breakfast. Then physically "stack" your supplement on top of, or next to your cereal, or whatever you eat for breakfast.
Want to develop of habit of exercising? You already have a habit of getting dressed every morning...probably. Instead of getting dressed for the day, mentally decide that you are going to put exercise clothes on instead. Then physically stack them on top of your other clothes, and don't allow yourself to take them off until you exercise that day. You get the idea!
Attach your want-to-be habit to an existing habit, habit-stack it, both mentally and physically if you can, then go for it! Your bound to get better results!
A personal mentor is another awesome way to get help with creating your habits. Having someone to support you allows you to move forward at an accelerated pace. You know that goal you've re-started a dozen times on your own, but you just can't get there? Studies show that having a mentor can result in much faster and long-lasting results. Book a free 30-minute mentoring call with me to find out how I can help you be more successful.