Sunday, October 9, 2016


I am definitely a list person.

When I was a young mother I would make lists of our family routine and post them on the fridge.  I had our family day scheduled down to the minute.  I also had to-do lists of things that needed to be done, preferably in priority of importance and urgency.  I admit, I was a bit over the top.  I have become more balanced, but I still keep lists.  I keep a running grocery list on my fridge at all times.  I admit that at times I get such great satisfaction out of crossing things off my to-do list that I even write things on my list that I have done that were not originally on the list just so I could cross them off and feel the satisfaction of having accomplished even more! (I haven't figured out the psychology behind being a task person yet, but maybe someday.)

Yep, I am a list person.

While keeping lists is not a bad idea, and can keep you organized and accomplishing things (which is a good thing), it is important to remember that the key is BALANCE.

I was definitely out of balance!  I would work my tail off all day long, just to fall in bed exhausted at night with my to-do list never completely crossed off.  The next morning I would make a new list and be off and running again.  Sometimes I would even make the to-do list the night before so I would be ready to hit the ground running.  It was like chasing a dangling carrot that could never be reached.  I could never completely accomplish my list, and always went to bed somewhat discouraged at my lack of accomplishment.  I would think, "What is wrong with me that I can't seem to get everything done?"

Oh, how I wish I knew then what I know now!  Instead of looking at what I was not getting done, I have finally learned to look at what I have accomplished and celebrate that!

Becky Edwards, a friend for whom I have a great deal of respect and admiration, came up with a great way to celebrate what we do each day.  Becky is also a list person.  She writes a to-do list each day, but she also writes a ta-da! list.  This is a list of every-day things that we do that we seldom take the time to acknowledge.  How many diapers did you change today?  How many children did you run places?  Did you drop what you were doing to help or listen to a child?  Did you cook for your family or prepare snacks?  There are many, many things we do each day that we do not acknowledge or celebrate.  These every-day things, these little things deserve to be acknowledged and celebrated! Make a list of those things at the end of the day, and you will really feel good!   Instead of focusing on what we did not get done, lets focus and emphasize on all the many, many little good things that we do that make up our day, and that keep life going!  Give yourself credit for all that you do!

So write your to-do list, but keep it in balance.  And at the end of the day, or sooner if needed, write a ta-da list as well to realize and celebrate all that you REALLY do, because........... YOU ARE AMAZING!


  1. Beautiful, as always, my list-making buddy. So grateful for things we learn. I love you.

    1. Love you too, and grateful for all you teach me!

  2. I was just writing a list of things to do today! Thanks for the great insight!

  3. Love the ta-da list! When the kids were small I would sometimes write a note on the back door for telling him something I accomplished that day so he could walk past the mess and make a big deal about this ONE thing. My ta-da for the day. Love ya, Shiree
