Friday, October 23, 2015

A Path Worth Taking

About a year ago I had the idea to sit down and make a list of all the people who have changed the course of my life, people who I consider to be mentors throughout my 50 years.  

I began reflecting on my life beginning as a child and prayerfully went through my life in my mind to pinpoint who these key people were.  It almost seemed that as I followed the path I had trod in my mind, that there were very specific times where the path turned one direction or another.  I was able to identify key people, and how these people were instrumental in my decision to turn one direction or another on my path.  Funny how I could not see it at the time, but in looking backward it became so obvious.

This kind of reflection about my life gave me great insight and perspective into who I am and the people who have helped me become who I am today! 

The first people (other than parents of course) who I came across in my reflecting were the husband and wife I used to babysit for as a teenager.  Their family was a lot different than the one I was growing up in, and their example of healthy ways to parent and love children stuck in my brain and mulled around until I became a parent myself.  Their example greatly influenced my desire to be that kind of parent too.  It set me on a journey of book-reading and class-taking in an effort to be the patient and loving parent I saw exemplified in their family.  

The next person on my path was a seminary teacher who brought Christ and his gospel alive for me.  Because of this teacher's influence I developed a thirst for a testimony of who Christ is, a thirst which has brought me a very long way.

Following him was an institute teacher who gave me a love for my heritage; a friend from college who taught me to serve and love others without expecting a return; my husband who has taught me multiple layers of lessons on many subjects; a former bishop of our congregation who taught me about priorities in marriage; several close friends who have taught me many things; some therapists who helped me become a more loving parent, wife and person; and a wise younger friend who has taught me so much about refining who I am, even recently!  

It was so rewarding to recognize the different people who have played a key role in my life, and to know that their influence has permanently changed me and led me to where I am today, on an ongoing path in a direction I want to go.

2 weeks ago I decided to write each of these mentors a letter detailing how they had been a positive influence in my life and thanking them for their role in helping me along my path.  So far I have written 4 of my 12 letters.  

I did not anticipate the great influence it would have on ME to write to each of them in such detail.  It has been a rewarding and very humbling experience, one I wish I would have done long ago.  I am lucky enough to have everyone still living that I wanted to thank, but I had decided at the beginning of this effort that I would still write the letter even if I could not deliver it.  There is something about writing it down, about putting it physically on paper that is therapeutic, and has instilled gratitude and humility in me.  It just feels good!  This is a path worth reflecting on!