Thursday, May 4, 2023

Grand Ideas!


A few weeks ago I planted some tomato seeds in preparation for spring planting.  I was super excited to watch the seeds come up, which they did!  All the plants were on the same tray getting the same sunlight and the same water.  One of my plants started wilting.  It’s not dead.  It’s just not standing up and thriving.  

This made me think about how the same thing sometimes happens with ideas.  You can have awesome ideas come to mind , but if they don’t get the right attention…..they wilt.  They might even die.  It can take a lot of extra energy to get those ideas up and flourishing again.  You may even have to re-plant.

What ideas have you had that that you were excited about at the time, but the idea just sort of laid there and didn't flourish? Did you give up? Did that idea die?

Don’t let your ideas die….do something!

Even the tiniest action you take can be enough to keep your idea alive.

So what small thing can you do TODAY to take action on your ideas?


P.S.  If you would like some help bringing your ideas to fruition, let’s talk! Book a free 30-minute session here at

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