Years ago we strategically planted a shade tree in our backyard to grow and shade our beautiful deck. It grew slowly. So slowly. Over time we did other things to provide shade and I kind of forgot about the tree's original purpose. Then one day I was out sitting on the deck and suddenly realized that the curtain I usually open and close to keep the sun off of us was shaded by the tree! I realized that the tree not only shaded the deck, but had grown taller than the deck and shaded part of the house too! Funny how something can grow slowly over time, seemingly without notice, until suddenly there it is!
You are like that too, you know. You have little things in place that you do regularly in your efforts to reach who you want to be. They seem so small, so almost insignificant. You may even forget the original reason you started doing them because they have become so automatic.
One day you look back and see how far you have come! Perhaps you can remember when you never thought you would get to this point.
What is one thing you have been doing over time that has helped you become who you are now?
Take a moment to look back and see how far you have come. YOU are like that shade tree. You have grown slowly over time, and have made great strides toward your full potential!
I can hear you. Stop pointing out how far you have to go, and all the ways you are not great. Take the example of my tree. It doesn't berate itself for not being at full potential yet. Can it get bigger? Yes. Could its branches be more far reaching? Yes. But it is a fabulous and beneficial tree that is fulfilling its purpose and doing much good as it continues to grow. Perhaps you can insert yourself into that last sentence. Try it.
“I am a fabulous and beneficial (person) that is fulfilling (my) purpose and doing much good as (I) continue to grow.”
I invite you to say this affirmation multiple times a day to yourself until you believe it.
Believe it because it is true.
You are amazing and wonderful.♥