Monday, January 22, 2024

Drops of Goodness

 A couple of years ago my daughter gave me one of those books that helps you tell the story of your life by asking you questions that you write your answers to.  The other day I was working on the question, 

                        "What are some smells that you associate with your childhood and why?" 

I happened to be doing Marco Polo (video chat) with some friends during that time, so I mentioned the question I was writing about.  They all chimed in with their own answers to that question.

Later I learned that one friend had all her grown children over for family dinner that afternoon.  She had asked her children the same question.  She described the fun conversation that they all had around the table as a result.  

Another friend says she plans to ask that question at her next family dinner in a few weeks.  I think I will too! 

I thought about how we can influence those around us by what we talk about, and how it can create positive or negative feelings and memories.  The positive ones are like drops of goodness.  It's a positive ripple effect, and so easy to do in today's world.

I invite you that as you send messages, post on social media, and carry on conversations to be mindful of what drops you are sending that may ripple outward into the world.  Let the drops you send be drops of goodness.  

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