If you could look ahead to next year on this same date, how would you like your life to be different than it is right now?
I'm not talking, "I wish I had a million dollars" kind of thinking.
I'm talking about YOU, who you are, and how your life is going. So, if you could magically look into the future one year from now, and have a shift in your life, what would that shift be?
Can you draw that? Take a minute and draw something that represents what you are thinking.
I'm serious. Stop reading and draw a picture. You'll thank me later. (What show is that from? lol)*
Now add a few words to your paper to help you remember.
Why do you want this shift? Flip your paper over and write a sentence or two detailing WHY this matters to you.
Great job!
I invite you to put that paper somewhere by your bed where you will see it frequently throughout the year.
For example, if you read before going to sleep, consider using it as a bookmark.
If you are in the habit of praying, put it by where you pray so you can remember to talk to your Maker about it in your prayers.
Are you a vivid dreamer? Keeping it on your nightstand and imagining it as you fall asleep at night will get your brain working on it.
You get the idea.
These are all examples of ways to turn your brain on to thinking about what you want. Why? Because you have to create something mentally before it can become a reality in the physical world.
This is true with everything you do. You create things mentally constantly; you're just not aware you're doing it. You create conversations, construct your day, and even eat according to what you create mentally first. Why not do it on purpose?
As you keep this thing you want in the forefront of your mind, don't be surprised if ideas and opportunities start coming to you.
It's kind of like when you get a new car and suddenly you notice all the cars on the road like yours. They were there all along, but your brain wasn't paying attention. It's the same thing. There are ideas and opportunities around you, but your brain needs to pay attention.
As those ideas and opportunities come, ACT on them. (keeping it legal, moral and ethical, of course)
Next year on this day, you will be able to look back in amazement at what has shifted!
Thank you for this suggestion. I did it ! : )